Stephanie Michelle RD


Letting Go


When we let go of trying to control our bodies, we set ourselves free. This means we can finally turn attention toward taking care of ourselves.

Controlling your food to control your body is not self-care.

To control is to restrict. To restrict is to deprive. To deprive is to punish.

We cannot hate ourselves into loving ourselves. We cannot hate the body and expect to heal.

Our bodies hold us. They breath for us. They live for us.

Above even our parents, our bodies are our primary caretaker.

In every moment, our bodies are doing what they’re designed to do. They’re working for us. Never against us. They’re using the resources they’re given to keep us alive.

But from a young age, we learn our bodies can’t be trusted.

We learn that they’re bad.

We learn that they’re wrong.

We are taught that in order to feel loved and in order to feel safe, we must control our rebellious bodies. We learn that without our control, our bodies move toward chaos.

So we start to turn away from the wisdom within, in favor of the noise outside.

Parents. Teachers. Peers. Professionals.

Our tired culture.

We become more and more externally guided.

We begin to control.

We begin to restrict.

The body is confused by this.

When it’s confused it’s scared. And when it’s scared it protects. It holds onto resources. It does what it needs to do to ensure we survive.

We often enter an endless cycle of trying to control the body by controlling food. Which results in a sense of losing control over both.

But when we start to slow down we can once again see the truth.

That we are embodied beings. Meant to be body-led.

We’ve lost this instinct. The ability to hear the body. Listen. And respond.

In nature, it’s a beautiful dance.

The body is cold. Find warmth. The body is scared. Find safety. The body is hungry. Find food.

The body is always leading. We are meant to be body-led.

To heal is to begin to return to the body. Enter back into positive relationship. Surrender control of the body and instead focus on taking care of ourselves again.

See how it feels to allow your body and its weight to take care of itself. Let it be a side effect of personal growth and transformation. Not something you seek to control.

As you begin to trade control for compassion and care, your body will naturally move toward vital health. Your system will come back into balance.

Sometimes this means body weight will change. Sometimes it does not. Both are ok.

If you are in need of some help, we can do this work together. We can get you back to a life free food and weight obsession.

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